
notes from the 8 hour car trip

Fink's Distance and Time is full of gems. "Blueberry Pancakes" top of my list this week, as is "This is the Thing" (the first single, if I'm not mistaken). This is a great, great album.

The new Mary J. album is quite good.

Songus Interruptus: With shame I confess that I'm totally listening to (and digging) Rufus Does Judy at Carnegie Hall completely randomly as the songs pop up on the iPod, having never listened through the concert in order (the playlist of which is, as I understand it, that of the original Judy concert, of which I am equally ignorant.) For shame, for shame. His sister Martha Wainright's cameo appearance to sing "Stormy Weather" was a gem. (Although events in the car made it this week's Songus Interruptus.)

Now I must go back and listen to the whole concert album again, and in order, damnit.

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