
briefly noted

First things first. Okay, Janet's stupid damn Feedback does creep up on you. There. I said it. Now let's move on.

But I was right about the Goldfrapp remixes. Eh? Eh?

Madonna. Justin. Timbaland. Ugh. "4 Minutes to Save the World" is really the best you kids could come up with? Really. Nevertheless, with Timbaland even this dreck is tolerable, even memorable ("don't be a pri... maDONNA") on occasion.

Run, do not walk, to purchase 11i from Supreme Beings of Leisure. I am loving "Mirror" of course in its Connery Bond stylings, and "Good" and everything else in ear's reach on this album. Tremendoso!

Color me surprised: so far, a lot of Accelerate from R.E.M. is actually listenable, Automatic for the People-esque in its sound, though perhaps not mining as deeply as that true gem. But it's pleasing to hear the boys play something other than those sunny dirges from the last few albums!

Gnarls Barkley The Odd Couple is opening itself up presently. More anon.

Moby's so-old-it's-new-again sound on the new album is a refreshing return to form. Can't wait for the German car commercials to come.

and yes, we are not ashamed of a little Dolly Parton cheerleading here at Seat of Our Pants Press. Backwoods Barbie is her most commercial accessible music in years. "Better Get to Livin'" warmed this Grinch's heart recently and brought actual sentimental tears to my jaded little eyes. God bless Dolly's little well preserved heart for carrying on, putting out her music on her own now that the labels are done with her, and still getting that senior bootie up on American Idol this week to mentor the young pups and sell some CDs. We love you Dolly!

And so much more still to listen and report back on: B-52's new album (their first in o'er a decade!) to tread cautiously into. Erykah Badu's sonic barrage New Amerykah Part One (4th World War). The eponymous Hercules and Love Affair. Destroyer's Trouble in Dreams. Champaign-Urbana's own Headlights have a new album. SO much. Hell, I'm still getting comfy with In Rainbows and that's SO 2007.

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