
and that's a wrap

Ah, 2008, we hardly knew ye. And hardly had time to play the games we bought so freely (er, charged up the credit cards so freely, rather.) Nevertheless, it was indeed a Banner Year, and one ought take a moment to Pause, and to Reflect. To that end, the best of the best:

1. Wipeout HD (PSN)
The racer of the year. Gorgeous, flawless HD recreations of all the classic Wipeout tracks of old. Killer online, custom soundtracks. The Game to Beat this year.

2. The Last Guy (PSN)
No game owned my immortal soul like this modern take on Pac-Man mashed up with strategy games of old. And at $9.99, it is an absolutely steal.

3. PixelJunk Eden (PSN)
There's a reason PSN dominates the top slots on my list: the best games of the year were found there. This gem is deep with rich replay value, which is ruxpin shorthand for It's Kicking My Butt Still Months Later. Great soundtrack too.

4. LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
...and I haven't even touched Create mode yet. It's a charming, addictive, fun platformer romp. Hopefully the sales will pick up in '09. This one's a keeper.

5. Everest: Hidden Exposition (iPhone)
Yeah, I said it! Casual games rock. Really far more fun that it has a right to be, a simple find-the-hidden-objects game proved perfect for the iPhone. Casual, difficult, addictive. More please!

6. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (PS3)
A worthy sequel to the system-launching Motorstorm. I'm finally getting halfway decent at it, too!

7. Burnout: Paradise (PS3)
The game that keeps on giving. The developers have broken with tradition and a year later, never stopped updating the game with fresh (and thus far free) features and content. Think Grand Theft Auto in terms of scale. Every stop sign is a different challenge, online is slick as shit, and I love the mode where you try to crash and destroy as much property as you can in one shot. Happy joy joy!

8. Dizzy Bee and Dizzy Bee 2 (iPhone)
It was obvious with this launch title (and now, its sequel) that the iPhone was going to quickly give the PSP and DS a run for their money. Delightful, approachable, charming.

9. I Heart Katamari (iPhone)
The late '08 unexpected arrival. So far, so good. The iPhone accelerometer works like a charm.

10. Lux Touch (iPhone)
A passable Risk clone for the iPhone. See also: honorable mention for similar vConqr.

11. Monopoly (iPod Click Wheel)
Despite the pricey iPhone with me at all times, I found this iPod nano game more addictive than anything the App Store offered this year. Even the new iPhone Monopoly.

12. Rolando (iPhone)
The anticipation was worth it...they beat the drum for this one months and months and months in advance. Think Loco Roco built for touch & accelerometer.

13. Buzz! TV (PS3)
A new arrival that I'm enjoying immensely. Slick, addictive trivia fun for the whole family. The bonus question packs look pretty damn pricey, though. Good thing you can make your own quiz packs online...and sample those of others...Simpsons trivia, anyone?

14. The Price Is Right (iPhone)
Yep. And it's good! No Bob Barker with "spay or neuter your pets" messages after Showcase Showdown, though.

15. Unreal Tournament III (PS3)
This game so completely owned the first half of '08. Pity no one's ever online to do battle anymore. My one UT3 online buddy got pulled into World of Warcraft and that was the end of that. Sigh.

16. Echochrome (PSN, PSP)
Pretty sad that you have to dig this far down the list to find a PSP game to rave about, and it's a port from PS3 to boot. But what a lovely port: M.C. Escher come to life in wicked-hard 3D puzzles that defy dimensional space and make your brain bleed. Fun.

17. flOw (PSN, PSP)
I hesitate to even call this a game. But it sure is pretty. And numbingly addictive.

18. Everyday Shooter (PSN, PSP)
Hard. But lovely! I think I like it even better on the PSP.

19. Toy Home (PSN)
Fun, Katamari-esque romp through a house of giant objects.

20. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)
Honorable mention here: it's jaw-dropping in its size and beauty. But intimidating in in scale and complexity. I am ashamed to say I've only put in about 2 hours on this game since buying it. This kind of commitment may well be a thing of the past; looking at the preceding 19, one thing they all share in common is the ability to pick up and play for short bursts, and be satisfied. Granted, some of these glorified mini-games and their "little" chunks of time really added up, but that's testament to their approachability and play value: none forced me to put in 50, 60 hours just to get through basic story mode. GTAIV and its fellow $60 ilk and their massive time requirements just seem too much like work to get into anymore...there is such a thing as TOO big, at least for me.

And that's the list. I'm struck by the dearth of PSP titles, although encouraged by word of '09 "everything-at-retail-will-also-be-available-downloadable" that Sony is shovelling out currently. Hope that pans out, and that the games themselves prove more inviting. I mean, I'd be quite surprised if Loco Roco 2 (coming soon for PSP) doesn't top the list this time next year, but one awesome game every 2.5 years does not a mobile platform make. And with iPhone bringing the heat, Sony better step up in a MAJOR way. Here's hoping my $249.99 (times two) proves a sensible investment come 2009. I'm still waiting...

May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white. See you next year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm, in retrospect perhaps I've been too harsh upon beloved Unreal Tournament III which ought be higher on the list. Fortunately this is not a scientific process and (like a beauty pageant contestant denied top ten) it's really an honor just to be mentioned in the fine company of such fellow contestants, right?