
AT-ATs on Holiday

Amid quite a bit of juvenile garbage, some real Steampunk gems on this site. NSFW but recommended for the Steampunk fan.

And yes, I know that's really a All-Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) in the picture, not an All-Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT). Whaa, you think I not have Wikipedia? Besides, I like the thought of the AT-ST scouting out a good place for the AT-ATs to come park for lunch & croquet. There's about 30 giant mofos standing on farmhouses and country folk just out of frame on the right, readying their picnic baskets. So there.

What does one call a group of AT-ATs, anywho? A herd, a team?...they're meant to evoke something camel- or oxen-like, but loaded inside with weaponry. A troop of AT-ATs. That has the ring of authenticity about it. Thanks, rinkworks!

This concludes our round of geekery for this first day of Labor Day weekend. You may now return to your regularly scheduled activities.

original car in this train of thought prompted via post from Boing Boing.

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