
music, schmusic.

Ah, the best intentions. Well, there have been other distractions of late. Namely a big shiny PS3 full of games to occupy my time. It is, truly, all that & a bag of chips.

But music never is far, wherever I be. And thanks to Medialink from nullriver, all my iTunes and other media on the Mac is right there on the beloved Sony box, over Wi-Fi no less.

Steve Jobs ought be quaking in his boots about this...that Apple TV sure is sitting unused lately! (Added bonus: PS3 can play more types of media. No more ripping .avi files to .mp4 just to squeeze through the Apple gateway!)

p.s. "Little Weapon" from Lupe Fiasco is still top of my pops, daddio...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MediaLink, SchmediaLink. Too much fuss and kerfuffle with Airport for my tastes. I've since found el gato's EyeConnect software simply works, where nullriver's product has not been so reliable.

And sorry Steve Jobs, my Sixaxis navigates my media far faster & more elegantly with EyeConnect on the glorious PS3 than ever I have wrestling with the AppleTV GUI and that blasted minimalist remote control of yours. grumble, grumble.