
a bit of praise for Goldfrapp

"A&E" shore is purdy.

"Little Bird" of the same, new Seventh Tree album is good its Enya-opening-act kind of way. But it does have a touch of the Cirque de Soleil to it. The rest of the album, even more so. meh. where's my upbeat Goldfrapp?

Let me state for the record, I know Goldfrapp's whole ruse in the press that "this album's a more relaxed, acoustic affair" is hogwash. smoke & mirrors. the remixes will come upon us, relentless. remix EP's by the truckload on iTunes, and let's not forget the now-mandatory "special edition" CD re-release we should be seeing in several months. buy now, buy later!

never forget, now that we Americans have run out the clock on our relentless consumerism, and are wallowing in our gluttony, those that profit off of us have little choice but to offer up more of the same dreck and make you pay more frequently for another spoonful. the future is all about making us pay for the same thing, multiple times. they'd rent the air we breathe to us if they could figure out how to corner the market.

being a slobbering consumer still in the throes of the End Days here, I just want it all now, now, NOW. this does not make the waiting part any more fun though. c'mon, girls, gimme a beat!

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