
here comes iPhone

Next up, iPhone's 2.1 update. Don't even get me started on how my iPhones have been doing since that crashtastic debacle 2.0 arrived on the scene. I love how they blame the user with this weak ass "some users who had a large number of apps have had some problems" line of BS. Look, buddy, you built a phone with X number of slots to put apps in, and then opened a store with 3000 applications for sale. Did it ever occur to you folks might, like, you know, run out and fill their nine screens up with 16 apps a page? Especially when most of the apps on the Store are free? Hmm. I hope someone got a good spanking at Cupertino headquarters.

What was my primary business phone was rendered in-frigging-operable for nearly two months and Apple takes this long to get it fixed? Shame on you, Apple! The worst part was you'd then have to go through an eight or NINE hour restore process, and then think everything was groovy, and lo and behold, 20 minutes or 20 hours later, an app would crash, or suddenly your iTunes library would disappear from the device, or some other horror, and you knew you were in a death spiral again, facing another fruitless eight or NINE hour restore process.

If this thing crashes even once after the update, I may just go Newton on somebody's behind. It has not been a good two months, folks.

If, however, Steve & Co. have actually got their act together and set this ship back on course, well, then I'll be all hummingbirds and butterflies, sunshine beams and rainbow dreams. And I'll have all manner of iPhone game reviews to shower upon le blog. You have been warned.

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