
mum's the word (a.k.a. There's No Place Like it)

Hmm, nondisclosure agreements being what they are, here at ruxpinplay I can only note that some PS3 players have received invites to the second-wave beta test for Playstation Home. Beyond that, I can say no more. Mum's the word, baby. I certainly cannot confirm (nor deny) whether I in fact have been playing around with it, decorating my apartment and summer home spaces with more potted plants than one would think possible, nor could I comment on what I think of the game zone with its retro-esque arcade games and bowling, nor can I postulate on whether or not I'd actually use the thing to chat (shudder) with players (ugh, interaction is overrated, no? especially when discourse consists of "sup?" and "hello." repeated ad nauseum. But you didn't hear it here.)

what I CAN confirm is that, halfway across the continent from our own PS3 at the moment, I are seriously jonesing for some more Wipeout HD action. Dear god. The beauty of this game is just amazing. You owe to yourself to fork over the (entirely reasonable) twenty smackeroos to download this gem immediately. Yes, one can grumble about the tracks all being HD-updated versions of ones from previous Wipeout releases. But this iteration takes it to a new level of awesomeness. Online implementation is near-perfect and where PS3 ought have been out of the gate. This one is a winner.

And at risk of repeating myself, Burnout Paradise (now available as a download from the PS3 store) is chock full of hours and hours of fun. I don't even mind that, in order to take advantage of its new Trophies support, I have to restart the game over from a fresh game save. Hell, being one of the first to do so, I even set some records on city streets! Of course, someone has already come along and mopped the floor with me, but no matter: I was, albeit briefly, PS3 famous baby. And motorcyle and day/night environments being added to this game make it even more wonderful. Just wonderful. Go buy it immediately.

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