
something super is coming

No, not him, though he's got mad superpowers too. Our panties are in an entirely other bunch anticipating something far more bizarre and oh so Sony. After an interminable wait, we shall play something very super:

It is time to break out the air in a can, and chamois cloths, and dust off that PSP folks. Your long nightmarish chasm of months without decent new PSP gaming options has ended: Loco fricking Roco (Part Deux) arrives two years after the original, in stores this February 10*. It can't come fast enough. The original delights me to this day, hands down the best game I've played on PSP. It's downright criminal that more content like this doesn't grace the PSP. I want twenty LocoRoco-caliber games to play at all times, for crying out loud.

Cryptic chat with LocoRoco 2 creator Tsutomo Kouno can be found here.

I defy anyone--even the grinchiest grinch of all!--to pick up this game for five minutes and not feel that lump of coal for a heart warm just a little. I can NOT wait!

And twenty dollars? Such a bargain. I'm just saying.

*No word on whether & when we'll get our hands on a downloadable version off the PSP store directly. I am so tired of darned UMD discs! However, behold Sony's brilliance: they know I'll fork out twenty smackeroos for the disc, and probably come back and double dip in the well when they release a downloadable version in a few months. Suddenly the whole "half off" twenty-dollar price begins making a lot more sense...Heck, I'm even toying with rebuying Loco 1 for the convenience of not having to swap out discs. This thing's a money-draining machine bar none!

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